
Mantoh Nasah Kuma

Software Engineer | Community Builder | Open source Enthusiast
JavaScript, Angular, HTML, CSS, SCSS (3 years)
Git, GitHub, Gitlab, Mercurial (3 years)
NodeJS, ReactJS (1 year)
C/C++, Jasmine (1 year)
Open source
Verbal and Written Communication
+English (Proficient)
+French (Intermediate)
July 2022 – Present
Go-Groups Ltd, Buea Cameroon
Full Stack Engineer

Developing different projects primarily with Laravel, Angular, React, Jasmine, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Tailwind, and Agile methodology.

  • Building and maintaining
  • Working on the company’s website which will be released soon

April 2021 – June 2022
Go-Groups Ltd, Buea Cameroon
Junior Developer

Developed different projects primarily with Laravel, Angular, Jasmine, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Agile methodology.

  • Worked on the creation of public and private events on
  • Built the credential verification module on UB-GoStudent according to the requirements of the University of Buea

July 2021 – June 2022
Software Engineer (Part-time)

Worked as an independent contractor for a private, worker-owned, employee-run cooperative model consultancy focused on open source software. Improved the user experience of Cog and other GNOME JavaScript (GJS) related tasks.

  • Successfully implemented the prettyprint functionality on GJS, which adds more information to a JavaScript object’s console output, being an open proposal for 2+ years
  • Worked on taking out deprecation warnings, writing pre-commit hooks to enforce style checking, and updating the getting started guide for Cog
  • Acquired experience working with Bash Shell scripting, JavaScript, Git, GitHub, and GitLab and was awarded a certificate in C/C++ at the end of my contract

December 2020 – March 2021
GNOME Foundation
Outreachy Intern

Improved GNOME’s JavaScript Debugger. Wrote JavaScript code and technical documents, edited the documentation, and helped new contributors. Worked with JavaScript and GTK open-source cross-platform widget toolkit.

  • Shipped several long-awaited debugger features in GNOME’s JavaScript platform for the GNOME 40 release
  • Implemented the list command, displayed the current line of source when displaying the current frame in the debugger, and added the full option to the backtrace command
  • Built a GTK calculator to test the usability of GJS
  • Presented during the lightning talks at GNOME Users And Developers European Conference (GUADEC) 2021

Additional Experience
January 2023 – Present
GNOME Africa Community – Volunteer
Community Manager

Creating and driving initiatives that encourage Africans to contribute to GNOME, Flatpak, GTK and other open source technologies. I organize twitter spaces, attend and speak at events and help build GNOME User Support Groups in Universities in Africa.

July 2022 – Present
Women Techmakers, Buea Cameroon – Volunteer
Organizer incharge of open source

Helping ladies in Buea and Cameroon get started in open source through internships and other programs.

March 2022 – February 2023
SheCodeAfrica — Volunteer
Open source team

Worked on community building, reporting, organizing meetings, reviewing applicants, and conducting interviews on our open source programs.

April 2023 – Present
DLT Talents
DLT Talent
DLT Technologist & Entrepreneur

Currenty undergoing this training organized by DLT enthusiasts in partnership with the Frankfurt School Blockchain center. Its aim is to empower women in the Blockchain space.

Sept 2015 – August 2020
University of Buea, Cameroon
Bachelor Of Engineering
Software Engineering

3.3 GPA

Important Links
linkedIn twitter website github